Comparison is Not EVEN Real!!!

Comparison Is Not EVEN Real I can only compare what I see and that is not enough There are so many things lingering underneath a surface of a situation Comparison at its best is a thief and at its worst crippling to a life well lived It is false, incomplete and misleading information For today … Continue reading Comparison is Not EVEN Real!!!

Kindness is NOT complicated!!! And its Free!!!

The world seems super complicated in so many ways right now. But you know what is not complicated and is free to boot!! My mom always said to boot so I threw it in for fun and for free.  So Kindness is such an underutilized tool in the area of business and in life. It … Continue reading Kindness is NOT complicated!!! And its Free!!!

Reaping and Sowing and Landslides!!!!! And a whole lot of compounding!!!

Do you remember all the stories about how to be a millionaire when you turn 40 and how you just have to save and delay gratification and do it consistently? And I assume you did it just like I did right????  So, say you missed the financial savings memo when you were in your twenties, … Continue reading Reaping and Sowing and Landslides!!!!! And a whole lot of compounding!!!